Views from the Millennials

Why Optometry?

“Why optometry?” It is the question I always get when people find out I am an optometry student. To be honest, I find it difficult to begin the explanation for my passion for the field, so I ask: “If you could only choose 1 of the 5 basic senses the human body has (smell, touch, taste, vision, hearing), which one would it be?”

Millennial In Medicine: Angelica C. Optometry Student

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Getting Started As A Nurse During A Pandemic

At first nobody was taking the Coronavirus very seriously, however shortly after a few cases presented at my hospital the cardiothoracic floor that I’ve been assigned to at Northside Hospital was transformed into a dedicated Covid 19 facility.

Millennial In Medicine, Benjamin - First Year Cardiothoracic Nurse


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Nursing, Mental Health & The Gym

Like many of you reading this, I have struggled with mental health challenges in my life. Perhaps the most important decision I made was to introduce myself to the gym, using it as a form of stress relief. I fell in love with the way I felt mentally, and the positive effect it had on my self esteem.

Millennial In Medicine: Amber G. RN, BScN 

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